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Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Do you have information, or an opinion - agree, or not, you can email The Wedgefield Examiner at  We'll remove your name to protect the innocent, and publish it.  P.S.  If you would like your name published, please note that on your email, otherwise we leave your name out.
First, let me lay out a few clarifying statements.  1) I have not been contacted by the resident who filed the lawsuit, against the ARC Chair/Board Member.  2) I have not contacted the resident who filed the lawsuit.  3) I have reviewed the WPA correspondence file, and read any of the correspondence your board SELECTED to include in the file, prior to, and leading up to the filing of the lawsuit by the resident.  4) I attend board meetings, take notes, and have been alarmed for years regarding your board's failure to follow our governing documents, including ARC enforcement. 5) At times, I have observed harassment of residents by the board, if the resident dares to call them on anything they don't wish to acknowledge.  

The lawsuit was reported from the board table by Garrison during the JULY WPA board meeting.  HERE IS WHAT I WROTE ON THE BLOG THEN:
"During last night’s board meeting, vice president/legal/compliance – member of many board committees/Garrison reported that a lawsuit had been filed against a single board member.  Garrison would not provide details such as name of resident (understandable), name of board member (not understandable), or complaint of the lawsuit (not understandable).  He went on to say that the WPA attorney of record and the insurance company would have to be notified.  At one point he mentioned that it might be frivolous, and at another that we would all have to pay.  He also says, almost in seeking sympathy for the board, “who would want to serve on the board” - what in situations like these?

Why don’t we have a right to know at least the bare minimum details when we “all will pay”?  Why aren’t our residents offended to the point of action with the right to know what our board is doing, what caused an action by a resident, when we all have to pay, because we all do pay through our assessments?  Obviously, we don’t know what this is about, because they won’t tell us!  When did that become acceptable?  When this board, each and every member individually, started voting without a review of our governing documents for themselves.  When each of them appeared to find it OK for some on this board to abuse verbally in public, anyone who questioned, because it appeared that they had a special interest following from a certain group of residents – here or there, who had something they wanted done – according to the governing documents – or not, just so they got their immediate project done."

The filing of a lawsuit is a public record, and a few days later I published a copy of the filing.  Please go back to the July articles. You can get there by scrolling all the way down this page on the blog.

During last night's WPA board meeting, Garrison reported that the lawsuit had been referred to the WPA insurance company, and that the company intended to file a dismissal.  He mentioned that the insurance company found the lawsuit to be unwarranted.
Actually, the dismissal had already been filed.  HERE IS A COPY FROM THE PUBLIC RECORDS.  (Name of resident removed.):

Don't let Garrison lead you to believe that the lawsuit is unwarranted, or frivolous!   The canal lawsuits had dismissals filed.  It appeared to be pretty standard procedure at the time, and probably is today.  

I thank the resident who was brave enough to follow through with what many of us say we will, expressed a want to file, or are just plain worried about the future of Wedgefield, our home values, loss of good governance, etc., by the board.  Some of you have been bought off by their illegal canal dredging.  Others by their allowing you to mow the golf course, while they made major decisions outside the board table, without defining, or discussing all our golf course options at the board table.  I thank this resident, and I'm even more grateful that the resident is running for board.