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Tuesday, March 6, 2012


During the February Board Meeting, as the Board prepared to vote on the December Board Meeting minutes, John McBride asked that his legal report be attached.  There was some discussion and the Board voted against it.  I wrote the Board and asked for a copy of his report.  It is provided below.  You may have to enlarge it.  You know I'm not terrific at the computer but I did manage to scan it and insert it in poper format for the blog. 

Please take time to read through.  McBride is reporting on a meeting that took place at Attorney Moody's.  You may want to ask yourself why your Board isn't taking action regarding unapproved legal expenses.  You might also wonder why resident Zieske had opportunity to discuss her amendment with the attorney at your expense, if that is really what the meeting was about.  You might question why Moody met with the attorney for the Zieske, Thomas, Wilson lawsuit?  What is Garrison up to?  He might recall and later does recall!  Same old stuff with Garrison snaking around?  Finally, it appears McBride recorded significant detail from the meeting, why doesn't your Board want it included "in the record"?  You'll decide but it may be that if they included it, they would have to deal with it.