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Sunday, June 24, 2012



NOTE: A reminder to you, if you didn't attend the meeting, or require clarification, GO TO THE WEDGEFIELD TIMES and LISTEN TO THE TAPE YOURSELF.  In 2011 your Board agreed to post their copy of the meeting tapes on the WPA website, but it hasn't happened.

CONTACT THE Be sure and note whether you would like your name published with email.

Board Secretary, Al DeMarchi announced that the 2012 Annual Meeting would be held on November 17th, 2012 at the Presbyterian  Church's newly renovated hall.  The doors will open at 9:00AM and registration (regarding voting on that day) will close promptly at 10:00AM.

Discussion followed with questions from Garrison regarding the mailing of the Annual Meeting packet and post mark deadlines for those who will vote by proxy.

Board Member, Anderson asked about on-line voting.  President Walton said it would require a By-Law change.

It was announced that more volunteers are needed to count ballots.  If volunteers are unwilling to sign the Confidentiality Agreement they could still volunteer for set-up, etc.

JUST A FEW THOUGHTS:   First in many respects it appears the Board is trying to organize the mailing, cover potential pitfalls, and give every resident the opportunity to vote.  If you recall during the 2011 Annual Meeting, some residents showed up after 10:00 to vote and we had scenes on the meeting room floor about the fact that they weren't going to be allowed to vote.  One claimed he had driven from North Myrtle Beach.  In the end, they were allowed to vote.   I'm sure the Board will detail the packet advising people of deadline dates for proxy voting, and make sure it is noted about the firm 10:00 AM close time on voting the day of the Annual Meeting.  Life doesn't always allow us to follow our plans to get to the meeting to vote in person.  Elections have been lost and won because residents thought they would be able to attend, and life got in the way.  Use your proxy.

In the past, if you were a volunteer on the Election Committee, when you went to training you were advised that you could not reveal information regarding who voted for who, or the count in general(during the process).  This year your Board will miss use the Confidentiality Agreement, that has nothing to do with anything other than holding confidentiality on individual resident financial information, in hopes of maintaining the integrity of the process.  Good Luck!  In my humble opinion, if you start off with a document that ties you to silence in one area, and expect it to hold the integrity of silence on another, you are damaging the process and intent. 

I believe they said they already had five volunteers for the Election Committee.  While they didn't have to vote yet on the members of the Election Committee, naming those who were prepared to serve, might have encouraged others.

UPDATE JUNE 25:  This morning I received a call from a reader who told me I had missed something regarding this topic.  YOU will have to listen to the tape at the Wedgefield Times under Secretary's report.  I missed catching this in my notes from the meeting.  It appears that after the statement was made regarding the Confidentiality Agreement signing, that those who didn't want to sign, could help with set up.  Someone on the Board said for consistency, ALL VOLUNTEERS would have to sign.  This miss use of the power of a piece of paper that intends to lock the lips of all who deal with the Board is nothing short of ridiculous.  It would be laughable, if it weren't so serious.

So if you were thinking of volunteering for set up, don't worry, read the document, follow it exactly, and just keep your mouth shut if you happen to hear any resident's PRIVATE FINANCIAL INFORMATION, because whether you are in a Welcome, Roads, Drainage, or Water Amenities Committee Meeting, you really haven't signed up for silence on ANYTHING else.  Obviously, my opinion, but I'M LOSING PATIENCE  with this Board treating us like we don't have a brain and can't read and comprehend what we signed.  This tactic to silence you should be insulting. 

Wonder what they are going to do to President Walton for breaking the Confidentiality Agreement?  In case you forgot, he published PRIVATE, RESIDENT FINANCIAL INFORMATION IN THE WRAGG.  Where was my head when I asked this question?  I forgot that was one of them.

When asked about this incident, Garrison tried to say it was public record. It certainly was not at the point this Wragg was published.  No one had filed court papers at this point. Excuses, excuses, excuses, when they abuse what they are trying to force on you.

Here it is: