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Monday, June 25, 2012


NOTE: A reminder to you, if you didn't attend the meeting, or require clarification, GO TO THE WEDGEFIELD TIMES and LISTEN TO THE TAPE YOURSELF. In 2011 your Board agreed to post their copy of the meeting tapes on the WPA website, but it hasn't happened.

CONTACT THE Be sure and note whether you would like your name published with your email.



WPA Treasurer, Janine Cline, was absent. Al DeMarchi gave the report. The first item of business was to make a motion to contract for audit services for year 2011.  The Board had sought bids and this appeared to be a legal, ethical, process and vote by the Board.

Again, I remind you to listen to the tape.  I do my best to take notes during the meeting.  I'll report what I saw and heard.  DeMarchi stated that it was necessary to allocate our reserves because it was necessary for filing taxes and they didn't want it noted in another audit.  The Board would have to vote through a motion to approve the allocations.

DeMarchi went on to say that he had done a 5 year study of expense and allocated accordingly.  When McBride started to question DeMarchi said he had given his figures to Cline and to remember they were allocated to specific areas, not restricted.

McBride had questions.What did you decide was important?  What values did you look at? DeMarchi asks, "John do you disagree with amount, percentages, or what John."  McBride responds, "the method."  He (I'm summarizing what I heard.) goes on to say that this is not a decision of one or two people.  He says the equivalent of this is important, we are Board Members, we all should know.

Garrison jumps in (again summarized).  Says it is misunderstood.  There are two purposes that are not even  remotely the same.  It isn't about how the money will be spent, but has to do with requirements.  It doesn't make a difference to function.  He doesn't disagree with a reserve study.  Finally he says this falls under preview of the Treasurer.

There was more to be said, but not for you and me.  What do I mean?  The resident audience "Twitter Sisters" were at it again, at the back of the room.  No gavel pounding, no, "let's have order", but like the poorly trained second grade teacher admonishing her students, they get a smile and a hand motion like "you naughty girls".   Hmm, wonder if these two, who don't understand respectful silence will count ballots this year?

At some point in all this DeMarchi says (not verbatim) that he sent his proposed distribution of reserves to the 2009 Board, the 2010 Board, and brought them forward now - 2012 Board. Two Boards did nothing with his figures so put them on the table now?

They vote on the motion.  Eight Board Members vote, knowing this, knowing at least two Boards have ignored these figures, knowing that according to McBride they weren't involved in review, consideration, planning of these figures.  The vote is 7 - 1.

Who is the one who says no?  Barrier. I never thought I would do this, but I thank Barrier, in fact compliment him on his "no".  Doesn't mean I know how he thinks.  I don't.  I'm not sure I'll ever understand Barrier.  I think if you asked him, he doesn't understand me and doesn't want to.  I won't put words in his mouth.  We don't speak.  I do say this, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck, and this motion, on this flimsy foundation has no substance, no order, no back up, and in my view, even Barrier couldn't go with the flow.

I digress. At one point in this mad discussion, Garrison says, "whatever it says ....doesn't make a difference."  Really?  They are about to allocate our reserves!

Some where in this MESS, McBride wants to make a motion to do a Reserve Study.  President Walton says he'll have to do that under New Business.  McBride says, "I can do that."  Thank you, McBride.

McMillin announces that there is no money in the budget for a Reserve Study.

This whole mess could have been termed, like the old soap opera, but we'll call it - "As The Stomach Turns", because it could cause ulcers.
