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Friday, June 29, 2012


I don't have a lot of time to spend on this.  It is end of day and I have been busy.  I have done my homework.  Will you do your homework?  First, if you haven't already, go to the previous article and read through it.  I've quoted the APPROVED  MINUTES, OF THE MARCH 20TH 2012 MEETING.   I've done a little more homework.  YOUR Board promised you that they would post the meeting tapes of our monthly meetings on the WPA website.  It has been almost a year and they haven't done it.  So I went to the only source you have to listen to a complete tape of the meetings - The Wedgefield Times.  I am grateful for this site.

BOTTOM LINE:  There is no motion, as stated in the APPOVED MINUTES OF THE MARCH 20, 2012 MINUTES.   In case you haven't gone back to the previous mentioned article, here is the motion,

"Bob Garrison made a motion to provide funding to have Attorney Moody to proceed with
a motion regarding re-instating Karl Gettmann and Jude Davis to the Board of
Directors. This is associated with their removal from the Board in July or August of
2010. A second was made by Al DeMarchi. Motion Passed"
Now you go to the Wedgefield Times and listen to the tape at approximately 57 minutes and 47 seconds.  IT ISN'T THERE.  I SUGGEST THAT YOU BACK UP AND LISTEN TO THE WHOLE LEGAL REPORT.

What does it mean?  You decide.  A few facts.  First, here is a quote from the April 2012 APPROVED MINUTES regarding APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 2012 MINUTES, "Approval of minutes.  Approve March minutes - A motion was made by Janine Cline and seconded by Bob Garrison to accept the March as submitted.  Motion passed unanimously."  Second fact, these were the Board Members present at the meeting:  Anderson, Cline, Garrison, McBride, Walton (President), McMillin, Barrier, John Walton.  Absent:  DeMarchi.  QUESTION:  Did they read the minutes?  How did this happen?  What is behind this?

I won't speculate.  I've been sued.  I've countersued.  I have no intention of misquoting, or misguiding anyone.  I questioned this Board when they decided that transcription of ALL OF THE TAPE WASN'T MINUTES.  I know that,  but obviously we are living during litigious times and it is a safe guard for ALL.  People, LISTEN TO THE TAPE.  THIS MOTION IS NOT THERE.

Will you do your homework and write the Board?  Will you find out WHY WE ARE BEING MISLEAD THROUGH OUR MINUTES?

This appears to be a lie to our Wedgefield residents.  You'll decide, but it reminds me of two things. 

I'm involved with an eight year old who told a white lie.  A little white lie.  She is in counseling for other reasons.  Her parents advised her to tell her counselor about the white lie.  After her session, when asked what she talked about, she said she told the advisor about the lie.  What did she have to say? she was asked.  She said the advisor drew a tiny circle and said that was like a lie.  Then she drew bigger and bigger circles and it was explained to the child that once you tell a little, tiny lie, it grous and grows, to cover the lie.  Were we lied to?  I don't know.  You'll decide, but let's see if we get bigger circles.  How will your Board explain this?  Will we see big circles?

Finally, I'm as human as anyone else.  I will confess that whenn I'm cooking, ironing, etc., that I listen to Judge Judy.  No laughing, she has a long, sterling court history, and then TV, which can be viewed as daytime drama.  She is true to herself.  Often when she is confronted by a lie, she says this, "don't pee on my leg, and tell me it is raining."

How will your Board respond?  Will they respond?  I don't know.  I'm not accussing anyone, but we all deserve an answer.  Where is my umbrella?  Who knows whether it will be rain, or not?