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Wednesday, June 12, 2013


The Wedgefield Examiner will be on vacation from today until the evening of June 18th.  Family does come first, and we have a visitor from Connecticut visiting during that time.  This leaves the Wedgefield Examiner with some loose ends.

*We still have to provide information on the May Water Amenities Report.  We'll do that because it is important.  The old dock is still residing in the canals.  The June meeting is scheduled for the day we return from vacation.  Perhaps we will be able to combine the May and June report.  Maybe, there will be resolution to the dock at the June meeting.

*I posted my letter to the board requesting a meeting with the president and legal committee after I received an email from the WPA office, quoting appointments for access to records, etc., according to state law.  I have not updated the blog. I did have a meeting with the respective parties this morning.  Your board did not ask that I refrain from reporting on the meeting.  I have determined for myself that the meeting was accommodated with good intention, and my questions were answered. I felt there was appropriate give and take, and will call that "it", as far as the information I share with you. Just maybe, if you want questions answered you will take the initiative to follow through to the point that you get the answers you need to satisfy your member questions. That is all, except to thank President Walton, Bob Garrison, and Al DeMarchi for their time and open discussion.  We can always agree to disagree, on some topics.