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Friday, October 26, 2012


Anyone is welcome to write to The Wedgefield Examiner via email: Remember to note whether you would like your name published with your article. The option is open to anyone who writes.

After reading and thinking about Secretary DeMarchi's letter to Jude Davis I couldn't help but feel that this is the "let it go board".  No thought to what is right but "it is one of ours so it is OK".  More of their so called "cohesiveness"?  Wedgefield has had a lot of strife, lawsuits, and slurs, but what Secretary DeMarchi implies in his definition of pandering shows us just how much this board will ignore and condone.  They don't mind, after all this is definitely not one of their favored residents. 

Think about it.  Why the whole board?  Remember, DeMarchi sent his email to the entire board.  Did you see or hear any out cry about his ridiculous innuendo?  Not one word.  Protocol has been that when a board member prepares an answer to a resident that he/she sends a draft to the entire board, comment can be made, changes if necessary, and then it is sent from the office.  When DeMarchi sent this nasty piece, copied the board, he wrote from his board seat.  Your board did nothing!  They obviously condone his writings!

Remember, this whole board and the management company, through their lack of action, failure to answer residents, ignore and condone.

This board voted and approved a Confidentiality Agreement, presented by DeMarchi, that they have broken over and over themselves, and failed to self enforce.  They let it go.

This board has been asked to clarify attorney opinions presented to the public through Garrison, even when it is shown to contradict other documents.  They don't answer.  They move on and let it go. 

This board has either hindered the management company from their work, or the management company isn't providing the service we expect.  They let it go because the truth might hurt.

This board has watched Barrier month after month, with no report, or a snarky verbal report, without written answer to the resident who wrote. They take no action and move on.

We have 24 new familes who haven't been welcomed.  They have done nothing all year.  Now the annual vote and meeting is coming up so they make a big show at discussion, and let it go until after the annual meeting.

This board has sat back as recent as during the October meeting and spoke of possibily using 2013 monies now, in certain line items.  Not one said, "weren't we assured when we voted to pay down $81,000 on the dredging loan that we had enough money to get to the end of the year?'  No one asked.  They just let it go.

This board used our money for a legal opinion on a canal option that they wouldn't discuss for months.  2-3 months ago, they presented it, no written legal opinion (only Garrison's verbal), and promised a survey to canal owners regarding the option.  To date, it hasn't happened.  They sit by, don't question, and let it go.

This board has signed a Code of Ethics that they fail to follow and each of them either abuse it themselves, or sit back and let it go.

We could go on and on.  You have to consider who you will vote for in the upcoming Wedgefield Elections.  There are three board vacancies, three current board members running - Anderson, DeMarch, Walton (John), and a fourth who hasn't severved on the board - Taco Wijthoff.  Vote for Wijthoff.  The other three have sat back, watched it happen, and let it go. Note: Wijthoff has not asked for this endorsement and The Wedgefield Examiner has not sought his opinion on this article.