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Wednesday, March 19, 2014


UPDATE:  A resident called this morning who had not planned on attending the Board Meeting last night, but did read the article that was posted on the Wedgefield Examiner. They had two comments.  First, they wish they had been invited to this staged production.  Second, before their call they went on the Internet and typed in Wedgefield Plantation and Wedgefield Plantation HOA and The Wedgefield Examiner didn't appear until the 4th and 6th pages, but Wedgefield Plantation Concerned Citizens were front and center.  Perhaps the male speaker, who was sitting with the Wedgefield Plantation Concerned Citizen website developer, made a mistake, and all that wrath was for her.

As reported last night, there was a staged "get The Wedgefield Examiner" last night at the WPA Board Meeting, by the Concerned Citizens.  A male resident was called to speak first, went on about the effect on the home values in the community, flanked by the outraged Concerned Citizen leadership. It was said that when interested parties search the Internet for Wedgefield Plantation Association that The Wedgefield Examiner comes up.  Why, Realtors have called and asked about it.  This morning I typed in Wedgefield Plantation and what appeared after the golf course and association was, Wedgefield Plantation Concerned Citizens

Legal Chair Garrison spoke from the board table about freedom of speech, and cast a few negative words here about The Wedgefield Examiner. Speculation and untrue, but you all should have gotten use to that by now.  Remember, his involvement, resident speaker.

Board Member De Marchi spoke about the hardship caused to his family because of the present circumstances. Yet, he often refers to the helpfulness of the founder of the Wedgefield Plantation Concerned Citizen website.  The male resident speaker spoke as though they couldn't get people to run for board, because of The Wedgefield Examiner, as he bumped shoulders with the founder of The Wedgefield Concerned Citizen website. Yet, look what The Wedgefield Concerned Citizens website has up as of today, regarding McBride, who has been elected by the residency three or four times.  He has never brought Kleenex to the board table, like De Marchi did.

It could appear, that a few calls to hypocrites, possibly by the male resident speaker, Garrison, or De Marchi, brought this group together once again to declare themselves pure, and only interested in you.  Same old, same old, by this group who are front page on the Internet, long before the Wedgefield Examiner, but it is the Wedgefield Examiner, not them. 

As to who gets copies of office records.  These are the types of things made available to Wedgefield Plantation Concerned Citizens.  


Maybe your parents told you, I told my children, and will share it with the resident speaker in case he missed this life's lesson, "be very careful, who you associate with".  Also, could Garrison, De Marchi, and the resident speaker, please check the Internet for the facts, before they stage their next event, for the good of Wedgefield.  No persecution complex, just the facts!