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Tuesday, March 4, 2014



Please read the article immediately following this one.  It was posted late on the evening of March 3rd. On Feb. 24th I requested review of records, and copies, as needed, today at 11:00am.  It is 8:00am, and while I've had a partial answer to some of my questions, as of this time, I have not been told whether I will be allowed my review today. This looks cloak and dagger, brazen disregard for a residents rights, and more like Mafioso type of governance, rather than strong governance, guided by fairness, legality, and adherence to our governing documents.  We'll see.

Today, is day 20 and counting on the storm debris clean up.  It appears the Wedgefield Examiner was correct about the soundness of the contract prepared by DeMarchi Treasurer//Compliance Chair, reviewed by our Legal Committee which is chaired by Garrison and has DeMarchi himself, President Walton, and co-writer of "don't pay your canal assessment, put it in escrow at Anderson Bank" - Bob Nichols, as members.   Surprise, surprise, they found the contract to be legal!  Maybe it was, but it may not have been in the best interests of all of our Wedgefield residents.  Later today I'll do the drive around and see if the contractor gets here AT ALL before sun down. As I drove around again around 4:00pm last night, I was told by some residents that the contractor did not show up until between 2:30 and 3:00pm.  Additionally, rumor was that they worked another job first.  The Wedgefield Examiner has contended that while DeMarchi was proud to announce that he had capped the expense at $14,000, he had left the association open to "we'll get to you after we get more lucrative work done".  Actions, speak louder than words, and DeMarchi wasn't concerned about the rest of us.  He left the main road arteries of Wedgefield Road and Wraggs Ferry, piled high with debris and served his area first.  What's the hurry?  He's taken care of.

We'll report later today as to whether I had access to records review and the progress on the clean up.  STAY TUNED.  IT IS A BUMPY ADMINISTRATIVE RIDE IN  WEDGEFIELD.