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Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I presented the following material during one of the two resident speaker slots last night at the Board Meeting.  The meeting ran from 7:00 PM to about 9:45 PM.  After, presenting the following, your Board, once again, broke the Confidentiality Agreement.  Treasurer Cline, had prepared finance reports that were distributed to every member of the audience.  The Cash Disbursement Report included individual resident names and the amount they received in refunds, etc. As the Board reviewed it, one of the Board Members brought up the fact that once again resident confidentiality was being broken.  The Board agreed to find away to eliminate this information (resident name, etc) on future reports.  Cline said, "blog away Madeline".   I have nothing against Cline.  This did not appear to be intentional on her part.  However, your varied Board members, have had repeated breaks of resident confidentiality at the Board table, since they approved this policy change.  They say the equivalent of "oops", and tie you to signing a document, without legal or insurance coverage against law suit, if you serve on a committee.


Presented by, Madeline Y. Claveloux

August 21, 2012

The Confidentiality Agreement approved by the Board, as a policy record was born under false information. The facts as stated regarding its origins were incorrect and later recanted. The substance of the document, “to protect individual resident financial information”, is broadened and misused by the Board. The legal opinion regarding the insurance protection provided to committee member signers is false. The potential penalties to those who break confidentiality lacks enforcement or, any attempt by the Board who passed and implemented it, to enforce it. It appears to be nothing more than this Board’s continued attempt to withhold information from the residents and continue with hidden agenda, under the Board table.

The request to sign the document, with your expansion of its use beyond the requirements of the instrument itself, is an insult to the intelligence of the potential signer. You have required committee members to sign on to a false intentioned document.

As a resident, I have refused to sign the document in order to sit on a committee, and remain silent about the content of the discussions at the committee meeting table, none of which contained individual resident financial information. As I was making my decisions as to whether I would sign or not, and asked for clarification regarding the document, I was ignored by the Board. The very Board who voted on the policy, expanded its use, and can’t and won’t speak to its detail. That speaks volumes as to your confidence in its legal application.

As to repercussions to those committee and board members who violate its broadened use, there haven’t been any. It’s genuine use, “to protect individual resident financial information”, has publicly been violated by members of this Board, at the Board table in monthly meetings, and in the Wragg.

Several committee & Board Members have broken the agreement, under its expanded use and caused nothing more then a “favored member” grapevine that discharges information, unfettered, throughout our community to other “favored community members“, who you want to be “in the information stream”. You have created another unintended underground stream, those individuals who know what you are doing is wrong, and take your guarded information to people who are willing to get the word out. I thank those individuals who mail, drop anonymous notes, and the few brave souls who make calls to provide information, you don’t want the rest of the community to hear. You have intentionally divided our community, with the “information have - and have nots“.

This policy document should be walked back to the Board table, discussed, and a vote be held to remove it from policy, because it is nothing more than a sham.