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Monday, August 20, 2012


I was going to take a day off from writing today.  This morning I received a call from a person I have called a friend through the thick and thin of life and politics, here at Wedgefield.  I will continue to call this individual a friend until they determine they will let politics get in the way of friendship.  I won't name the friend.

The subject of the call was the article I wrote titled, "Has Roosevelt Come To Wedgefield?".  I'm told members of the Nominating Committee are upset with the article.

I won't remove the article, or change the wording.  If you read the article, I exonerated the Nominating Committee.  They must follow the policy and direction of the Board.  It is the Board and their policy that I found fault with.

This experience, calls like this from friends is not a new one.  Approximately one year ago, I wrote an article, and named names.  It brought down The Wedgefield Civic Group and either permanently destroyed friendships, or made them uncomfortable for a long period of time.  For the friendships that remained, there should have been no doubt that I will continue to call a spade a spade.  There are too many secrets in Wedgefield that are damaging to our governance, and once again to our community.  The Board's misuse of the Confidentiality Agreement is intended to cause exactly the scenario that occurred this morning.

One would assume that the Nominating Committee members had to sign the Confidentiality Agreement.  Those who talked to friends, who talked to more friends, who called me, did not break the agreement as it is currently written and signed.  The agreement specifies the signer will not divulge individual resident financial information. Yet, your Board holds all committee members to a totally different standard. No one is to speak about any actions of any committee. Not one person gave information that related to individual financial information. Not one of the callers said this is a secret.  Not one of the callers was a candidate.  Every caller identified the committee member who told them. 

If you are serving on a board, you are to operate openly, honestly, above board, to such a standard that you are willing to shout your postions, your votes, and your adherence to the governing documents of any entity, from the roof tops.  You are to stand behind the decisions you made with integrity.  You should be able to defend and discuss your postions, rather than harm and black ball individuals who are blatantly open with their questions and the information disseminated to the large group, or you have something to hide. 

The nightmare returned this morning.  Last year the issue was a bold faced lie, disseminated by a Board Member to a committee.  The committee members were told not to talk about it.  When they did, the Board Member had  to find a scape goat.  As I struggled with the harm, the out right lies, many of my friends told me, "it was politics".  It hurt. Later, after they re-elected the liar, many of those same friends told me I had been right.   The hurt was brought back again this morning.  I hate being a scape goat.  In fact, I won't be a scape goat.  Don't run for your violins.  I don't need them.  I have learned through a long life to stand up and fight with truth and fact.  If I get it wrong, I tell you.  I haven't had to back track but once on the blog.  I did it openly, to the broad base of readers, and I stated I made a mistake. 

Final thought:  It is time to get ready to vote again.  Look, at the voting records of the candidates.  They have voted for the Confidentiality Agreement. They have voted on the policy manual.  They have had you pay for a legal opinion on a secret canal option, without telling you what it was. They have the legal opinion you paid for and not disclosed it.  Next year, the calls could be coming your way, if you are brave enough to try and speak for truth.