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August 25, 2012
TO: WPA Board
ATTN: John Mc Bride, Water Amenities Chair
Adam Anderson, Canal Sub Chair
Bob Garrison, Legal Chair
FROM: Madeline Y. Claveloux
RE: Canal Option Presented at the August 21st WPA Board Meeting
CC: Edmund La France, The Wedgefield Examiner
NOTE: Please place a copy in the correspondence file and distribute to the Board
I was present at the August 21, 2012 Board Meeting and heard Canal Sub Chair, Anderson’s report. As I listened, I expected there to be one more detail. What appeared to be missing was a legal opinion from the Board Attorney of Record, regarding the possible formation of a sub association for the canal lot owners. The option was not presented during Legal Chair, Garrison’s report. Why?
The Board passed a motion almost three months ago to seek a legal opinion regarding a undisclosed (at the time) canal option. I also attended the first joint meeting of the Canal Sub Committee and the Legal Committee. During that meeting Garrison stated that he would make a motion to seek a legal opinion on the potential formation of a sub association. The motion passed and we, the residents, have been waiting for the Board to disclose the canal option and related legal opinion. Why just half of the report?
Rumor has it that there is no written opinion. Call me skeptical, but it causes me to ask whether a verbal opinion was presented at the last meeting of the Canal and Legal committees? If not, why not? If so, please provide your understanding of the verbal opinion, in writing. I believe I deserve an answer.
Thank you. I look forward to your response